Thursday, January 16, 2014

Behind The Curtain

This  blog is going to be a wee bit different because I want you to know what 2014 is going to look like for me. Besides the cycle of daily life events such as sleeping, eating...and other things, I want to give you peek into the life of an author and schedule for upcoming projects and manuscripts on the horizon.

First of all, the picture above, you are looking at Writing Central. This is where I write, upload-publish and market my work. I have three monitors in front of me at all times. The monitor on the left is cable TV. I am a news junkie and love to keep up on what is going on in this crazy world of ours. The middle monitor is my Dell PC monitor. It is where Microsoft Word resides and where I am currently working on "SETI III, Conception." This manuscript will be book number three in the SETI Trilogy. And the dark monitor, frame right, is connected to my Mini Mac. It is the computer I edit video, you can find on my Frederick Fichman You Tube Channel, and where I also work on photographs to sweeten them for publishing.

I am deep into writing the manuscript for SETI III. It is consuming my day and nights and most of my waking hours. When I am not actually at the keyboard I am thinking about where I am going in the story and where I have been. And I take notes, so many notes it is sometimes mind boggling. Like "where-did-I-put-that-note" mind boggling. This is what just one stack of notes looks like:

But I am having great fun with it. And I think you will be happy with the results. There are twists and turns in this story and it ties together the entire story line of the SETI Trilogy.  Here is a screen shot of my computer screen for the opening for SETI:
But after I finish this manuscript I have so much more planned for you for 2014. Let me just go down the list:
The SETI Anthology
I will put all three SETI books into one Anthology book. I am guessing that the total word count will be somewhere around 250,000 words for all three books. I will price it on Amazon Kindle and BarnesandNoble Nook so that one of the three books in the Anthology will be free. That's three books for the price of two. I am hoping that will be somewhat of an incentive for readers to buy all three books at the same time...that way the story line will flow for you easily and quickly as you read.
Grand Canyon Update
A few weeks ago I updated my "Grand Canyon-The South Rim Guide to Lodging, Hiking and Dining" book with the most current contact information. In the next update in 2014 I am going to include the sights and pleasures of  the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. There is a beautiful lodge at the North Rim and some great views that I will show you from almost directly opposite of the South Rim which is the more heavily traveled section of that U.S. National Park.
The Feather -A Fantasy Journey of the Lewis & Clark Expedition
This is a novel about the Lewis & Clark Expedition written as a fantasy. It will be fantasy that has never been attempted before, and believe me there are hundreds of Lewis & Clark books out there...mostly non-fiction. Like I said, this will be a fantasy fiction novel. It will spawn other follow-on books as well, more about that later. I am so excited by this project I can hardly wait to get started. I let you know when that happens.
The Petrified Forest/The Painted Desert-A Guide
Recently I visited that National Park located in Northern Arizona. It is one of the strangest, eeriest, and most beautiful sights I have ever seen. Its history of creation goes back millions of years. I took extensive 1080p HD video and some breathtaking photography that I am dying to share with you. This is another project I can hardly wait to start.

This is a novel I started several years ago. I have actually finished about half of the manuscript, a portion of which you can read on my website It is a Science Fiction/Fantasy novel about sentient Humpback Whales, on an extraterrestrial planet or maybe distant unknown Earth. I will let you decide which applies.

And somewhere in all of 2014 I plan to actually have a life. Of course, I will communicate with you my loyal blog readers. I will let you know what is released and when. And as plans move forward, there maybe some surprises I will present you as well.

So, let the party begin. Let's get into it all and have a good time. Thanks for staying with me. I wish you all a very successful and prosperous rest of the year. I hope all your dreams come true. Bye for now.


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