Monday, January 28, 2013

Welcome and Hello,

Here we are at the the very beginning. You are reading Blog Post #1 from our blog nested at

We've created this blog to keep you updated on all of the additions and changes on our website and to share thoughts/news events about the animal world. The Visit the Zoo website also supports our 12-volume Book Series, "Visit the Zoo." Our book series describes over 120 zoo animals with beautiful photography and informative descriptions of each animal. This series is available on Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook.

This series of books was created for children and young adults but we have gotten feedback that adults love the books as well.

We will have more to say as we grow and mature, but for now, we just wanted to say hello and thank you for joining us at The beautiful picture below is a close-up of a Malayan Tiger. You will see a new dramatic picture like this with each new blog posting.

You'll hear again from us soon...stay tuned.

Frederick Fichman